Sunday, March 27, 2011

Long Beach Homes For Sale, Naples Island & The Peninsula - Century 21

Long Beach Homes For Sale
Naples Island and The Peninsula Homes

Here is a list of homes that are currently For Sale in South East portion of Long Beach. Naples Island and The Peninsula are a very sought out stretch of real estate in Long Beach.

Long Beach Homes For Sale, Naples Island & The Peninsula
If you are interested in viewing any of these homes please call me so that I can arrange your very own private tour.


Ricardo Perdomo

Your Long Beach Realtor.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Peninsula Beachfront Estate For Sale, Long Beach CA

The Peninsula Beachfront Estate For Sale, Long Beach CA

Waterfront & Beachfront homes located in Long Beach, CA are some of the best deals on the California Coast! You get more for your money on our beautiful coastline. Call Ricardo The Realtor for complete details and your PRIVATE Tour of these beautiful homes and estates.

Long Beach Homes For Sale and Century 21 Beachside will help you get into your dream home today.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Long Beach Homes For Sale, Belmont Heights Neighborhood Profile

Long Beach Homes For Sale,
Belmont Heights Neighborhood Profile

Long Beach Homes For Sale
Area: 1.118 square miles

Population: 12,526

Population density:

Belmont Heights: 11,201 people per square mile

Long Beach: 9,150 people per square mile

House/condo value distribution in Belmont Heights in Long Beach, CA neighborhood, block, subdivision, or community

Median household income 2008:

Belmont Heights: $71,510

Long Beach: $50,975

Median rent in 2008:

Belmont Heights: $1,236

Long Beach: $953

Zip codes: 90803, 90814.

Males: 6,063

Females: 6,462

Age and Sex of Residents in Belmont Heights in Long Beach, CA

This neighborhood: 36.2 years

Whole city: 30.8 years


This neighborhood: 36.9 years

Whole city: 31.2 years

Household income distribution in 2008 in Belmont Heights in Long Beach neighborhood in CA

Average household size:

Belmont Heights: 1.8 people

Long Beach: 2.8 people

Average family size:

Belmont Heights: 2.6 members

Long Beach: 3.5 members

Percentage of married-couple families (among all households):

Here: 27.6%

city: 39.2%

Percentage of married-couple families with children (among all households):

Belmont Heights: 9.0%

Long Beach: 21.6%

Percentage of single-mother households (among all households):

This neighborhood: 3.7%

Long Beach: 12.0%

Percentage of never married males 15 years old and over:

Here: 22.1%

Long Beach: 19.9%

Percentage of never married females 15 years old and over:

Belmont Heights: 19.3%

city: 17.5%

Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all:

This neighborhood: 2.2%

Long Beach: 13.3%

Percentage of people born in this state:

Here: 49.8%

Long Beach: 49.2%

Percentage of people born in another U.S. state:

Belmont Heights: 35.0%

Long Beach: 21.0%

Races in Belmont Heights in Long Beach neighborhood in CA

Percentage of native residents but born outside the U.S.:

Here: 1.4%

city: 1.1%

Percentage of foreign born residents:

Here: 13.9%

Long Beach: 28.6%

Educational Attainment

Less than high schoolHigh school or equiv.Less than 1 year of college1 or more years of collegeAssociate degreeBachelor's degreeMaster's degreeProfess. school degreeDoctorate degree

Belmont Heights Long Beach average

Rooms in owner-occupied houses/condos in Belmont Heights:

1 room2 rooms3 rooms4 rooms5 rooms6 rooms7 rooms8 rooms9+ rooms 1 room: 19

2 rooms: 63

3 rooms: 167

4 rooms: 456

5 rooms: 477

6 rooms: 411

7 rooms: 313

8 rooms: 217

9+ rooms: 208

Belmont Heights Long Beach average

Rooms in renter-occupied apartments in Belmont Heights:

1 room2 rooms3 rooms4 rooms5 rooms6 rooms7 rooms8 rooms9+ rooms 1 room: 410

2 rooms: 790

3 rooms: 1,217

4 rooms: 1,199

5 rooms: 508

6 rooms: 229

7 rooms: 68

8 rooms: 7

9+ rooms: 15

Belmont Heights Long Beach average

Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Belmont Heights:

no bedroomone bedroomtwo bedroomsthree bedroomsfour bedroomsfive+ bedrooms no bedroom: 33

1 bedroom: 195

2 bedrooms: 954

3 bedrooms: 789

4 bedrooms: 271

5+ bedrooms: 90

Belmont Heights Long Beach average

Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Belmont Heights:

no bedroomone bedroomtwo bedroomsthree bedroomsfour bedroomsfive+ bedrooms no bedroom: 559

1 bedroom: 2,040

2 bedrooms: 1,479

3 bedrooms: 308

4 bedrooms: 54

5+ bedrooms: 3

Belmont Heights Long Beach average

Average number of cars or other vehicles available in houses/condos:

This neighborhood: 1.8

Long Beach: 1.9

Average number of cars or other vehicles available in apartments:

Here: 1.4

city: 1.1

Percentage of units with a mortgage:

Belmont Heights: 78.0%

Long Beach: 77.7%

Housing prices:

Average estimated value of detached houses in 2008 (34.1% of all units):

Belmont Heights: $977,795

Long Beach: $606,730

Average estimated value of townhouses or other attached units in 2008 (7.1% of all units):

This neighborhood: $449,442

city: $223,437

Average estimated value of housing units in 2-unit structures in 2008 (10.9% of all units):

This neighborhood: $463,075

Long Beach: $302,500

Average estimated '08 value of housing units in 3-to-4-unit structures (8.9% of all units):

Belmont Heights: $822,320

city: $537,535

Average estimated '08 value of housing units in 5-or-more-unit structures (38.8% of all units):

Belmont Heights: $707,978

Long Beach: $548,317

Owners and renters by unit type in %, detached1, attached210 to 1920 to 49

Owner occupied units Renter occupied units average

Year house built (%)

09182736451995 to 19981990 to 19941980 to 19891970 to 19791960 to 19691950 to 19591940 to 19491939 or earlier

Belmont Heights in Long Beach city crime index for city in 2008 (higher means more crime):

City: 353.5

U.S. average: 293.0

Occupations of males:

Percentage of males in management occupations (except farmers):

Here: 16.5%

city: 9.7%

Percentage of males in business and financial operations occupations:

Here: 6.0%

city: 3.7%

Percentage of males in computer and mathematical occupations:

Here: 4.4%

city: 2.5%

Percentage of males in architecture and engineering occupations:

Here: 3.0%

city: 3.4%

Percentage of males in life, physical, and social science occupations:

Here: 1.3%

city: 0.7%

Percentage of males in community and social services occupations:

Here: 1.8%

city: 1.0%

Percentage of males in legal occupations:

Here: 2.8%

city: 1.0%

Percentage of males in education, training, and library occupations:

Here: 8.4%

city: 3.8%

Percentage of males in arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations:

Here: 6.3%

city: 3.0%

Percentage of males in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:

Here: 3.1%

city: 2.4%

Percentage of males in service occupations:

Here: 9.8%

city: 14.3%

Percentage of males in sales and office occupations:

Here: 21.9%

city: 19.8%

Percentage of males in construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations:

Here: 7.0%

city: 13.8%

Percentage of males in production occupations:

Here: 2.8%

city: 10.0%

Percentage of males in transportation and material moving occupations:

Here: 4.4%

city: 10.5%

Occupations of females:

Percentage of females in management occupations (except farmers):

Here: 12.1%

city: 8.1%

Percentage of females in business and financial operations occupations:

Here: 7.7%

city: 5.4%

Percentage of females in computer and mathematical occupations:

Here: 2.4%

city: 1.4%

Percentage of females in architecture and engineering occupations:

Here: 1.1%

city: 0.6%

Percentage of females in life, physical, and social science occupations:

Here: 2.1%

city: 0.7%

Percentage of females in community and social services occupations:

Here: 2.8%

city: 2.2%

Percentage of females in legal occupations:

Here: 2.1%

city: 1.3%

Percentage of females in education, training, and library occupations:

Here: 14.0%

city: 9.7%

Percentage of females in arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations:

Here: 5.9%

city: 2.3%

Percentage of females in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:

Here: 5.0%

city: 6.0%

Percentage of females in service occupations:

Here: 10.7%

city: 17.6%

Percentage of females in sales and office occupations:

Here: 30.1%

city: 35.7%

Percentage of females in production occupations:

Here: 2.4%

city: 5.6%

Percentage of females in transportation and material moving occupations:

Here: 1.4%

city: 2.6%

Percentage of people 18-64 in Armed Forces:

Belmont Heights: 0.2%

Long Beach: 0.1%

Education in this neighborhood (subdivision or community):

Percentage of people 3 years and older in K-12 schools:

Belmont Heights: 9.0%

Long Beach: 22.7%

Percentage of people 3 years and older in undgraduate colleges:

Belmont Heights: 9.7%

Long Beach: 7.7%

Percentage of people 3 years and older in grad. or professional schools:

Belmont Heights: 5.2%

Long Beach: 1.6%

Percentage of students K-12 enrolled in private schools:

Belmont Heights: 14.5%

Long Beach: 6.6%

Percentage of population below poverty level:

Belmont Heights: 7.8%

Long Beach: 22.8%

Median year owner moved in (as recorded in 2000):

Belmont Heights: 1990

Long Beach: 1991

Median year renter moved in (as recorded in 2000):

Belmont Heights: 1997

Long Beach: 1998

Percentage of married-couple families with both working:

Belmont Heights: 71.1%

Long Beach: 53.1%

Most commonly used house heating fuel:

Utility gas (72%)Electricity (25%)Other (3%) Utility gas (72%)

Electricity (25%)

No fuel used (1%)

"Your Long Beach Realtor"
 Belmont Shore Homes For Sale, Neighborhood Profile

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

HomeBuyer & HomeOwner Tax Tips, Long Beach Homes For Sale, Century 21 Long Beach Realtors

HomeBuyer & HomeOwner Tax Tips, Long Beach Homes For Sale

Long Beach Homes For Sale

Ask a roomful of homeowners what's so great about owning versus renting, and you'll hear them holler in unison: "the tax deductions!" And it's true – homeowners who itemize their taxes are able to deduct 100% of their mortgage interest and property taxes from their income tax returns.

That means that if you're in a 28% tax bracket, Uncle Sam effectively subsidizes about a third of your borrowing costs or more, making your home more affordable or allowing you to buy a larger home than you could have otherwise. Also, big chunks of your closing costs are tax deductible, and hundreds of thousands of dollars of any profit (or capital gains) that you realize when you sell your home are exempt from income taxes.

At tax time, it's critical to know what you're entitled to, so you can claim it. So, here are five essential need-to-knows about home-related income tax tips to help you get the most tax-reducing bang out of your home-owning buck – and to avoid hefty home ownership-related tax traps.

1. You Have to Itemize Your Return to Claim Your Deductions

During the recent debate on Capitol Hill about whether the mortgage interest deduction should be eliminated (it won't be, not anytime soon), it came out that nearly 40% of homeowners lose out on their major tax advantages every year when they fail to itemize their income taxes. If you own a home and otherwise have a fairly simple return, it might be tempting just to take the standard deduction – and if your mortgage, property taxes and income are low enough, the standard deduction might outweigh your homeowners' deductions. But you'll never know if you're losing out on the tax advantages of itemizing unless you try; before you grab a pen and start filling in that 1040-EZ grab those forms from your mortgage company and answer the questions on tax software like TurboTax, which will automatically do the math on whether itemizing or taking the standard deduction will result in the lowest tax bill – or the highest tax refund – for you.

2. Plan Ahead and Be Strategic When Taking a Home Office Deduction

According to the Small Business Administration, the average home office deduction is $3,686 – multiply that by your tax bracket – 15%, 20%, 30% or whatever it is, and that's what you'll save on your taxes by writing off your home office. Know, though, that the space you designate as your home office cannot be exempted from capital gains tax when you sell your home later. The $250,000 (single)/ $500,000 (married filing jointly) income tax exemption for capital gains is only good on your personal residence, after all – not including any space in your home you've claimed as your tax-advantaged office. If you foresee selling your home for much more than you bought it in the future, near or far, discuss this with your tax preparer to see if the few hundred bucks you save is worth the capital gains complication later.

Long Beach Homes For Sale

3. Tax Relief for Loan Modifications, Short Sales and Foreclosures Is Only Around Through 2012

While the long-term housing outlook is beginning to look up, 2011 is projected to be the peak year for foreclosures during this market cycle. Distressed homeowners who are on the brink of a short sale, loan modification or foreclosure should be aware that normally, any mortgage balance that is wiped out by one of these outcomes is taxed as what the IRS calls Cancellation of Debt Income, or CODI.

Under the Mortgage Debt Forgiveness Relief Act of 2007, the IRS is currently not charging income taxes on CODI incurred through a loan mod, short sale or foreclosure on most primary residences through 2012. But right now, banks are taking many months, or even years, to work out mortgages in all of these ways; the average foreclosure in New York state right now occurs only after 22 months of missed mortgage payments. If you foresee any of these outcomes in your future, don't put things off. Do what you can to get to closure on your distressed home and loan, ASAP, while you won't have income taxes to add as the insult on top of your significant housing injury.

4. Project the Income Tax Consequences of a Refinance or Property Tax Appeal

Homeowners everywhere are working on applying for a lower property tax bill on the basis of the last few years' decline in their home's value. Those who have equity have flocked en masse to refinance their 7% home loans into the 4% to 5% rates of the last few months. These strategies offer some of the heftiest household savings out there for the corresponding investment in time and money they take. But here's a caveat for savvy homeowners who slash these costs: remember that property taxes and mortgage interest, the very costs you're minimizing, are also the basis for the major tax benefits of being a homeowner. So plan ahead for your income tax deductions to go down along with your taxes and interest.

5. Don't Forget Those Closing Costs

If you bought or refinanced your home in 2010, you may be so focused on your mortgage interest and property tax deductions that you forget all about your closing costs. Any origination fees or discount points that were paid to your mortgage lender at closing are tax deductible on your 2010 return, get this – even if the seller paid your closing costs. If you can't figure out exactly what you paid, look for your HUD-1 settlement statement, that legal sized paper full of line item credits and debits that you should have received from your escrow provider or title attorney at, or just after, closing. Can't find it? Drop Ricardo The Realtor an email or call for further details.

Century 21 Beachside Realtors

Your Long Beach Realtor. If you are thinking of buying or selling Real Estate in Long Beach & surrounding cities, work with a Realtor who knows the best neighborhoods in Los Angeles & Orange County.

Beach, water front and golf communities. Long Beach Homes/Communities: Alamitos Beach, Belmont Shore, Belmont Heights, Belmont Park, Naples Island Realtor, Park Estates, Spinnaker Bay, The Peninsula. Seal Beach & many more.

Ricardo Perdomo
Ricardo The Realtor, Century 21 Beachside

Facebook: Long Beach Homes For Sale
Twitter: RealtorinLB

Your Long Beach Realtor & surrounding cities. Long Beach communities include: Alamitos Beach, Alamitos Heights, Belmont Shore, Belmont Heights, Belmont Park, Bixby Knolls, Bluff Park, College Park Estates, Downtown Long Beach, Naples Island Realtor, Park Estates, The Peninsula, Virginia Country Club, Los Cerritos, California Heights, Rose Park, Carroll Park, Wrigley... and many more.

Surrounding cities include: Artesia, Bellflower, Cerritos, Compton, Cypress, Huntington Beach, Lakewood, Los Alamitos, Rossmoor, San Pedro, Seal Beach, Signal Hill, Sunset Beach, Westminster.