Long Beach Homes For Sale,
Belmont Heights Neighborhood Profile
Long Beach Homes For Sale |
Area: 1.118 square miles
Population: 12,526
Population density:
Belmont Heights: 11,201 people per square mile
Long Beach: 9,150 people per square mile
Median household income 2008:
Belmont Heights: $71,510
Long Beach: $50,975
Median rent in 2008:
Belmont Heights: $1,236
Long Beach: $953
Zip codes: 90803, 90814.
Males: 6,063
Females: 6,462
This neighborhood: 36.2 years
Whole city: 30.8 years
This neighborhood: 36.9 years
Whole city: 31.2 years
Average household size:
Belmont Heights: 1.8 people
Long Beach: 2.8 people
Average family size:
Belmont Heights: 2.6 members
Long Beach: 3.5 members
Percentage of married-couple families (among all households):
Here: 27.6%
city: 39.2%
Percentage of married-couple families with children (among all households):
Belmont Heights: 9.0%
Long Beach: 21.6%
Percentage of single-mother households (among all households):
This neighborhood: 3.7%
Long Beach: 12.0%
Percentage of never married males 15 years old and over:
Here: 22.1%
Long Beach: 19.9%
Percentage of never married females 15 years old and over:
Belmont Heights: 19.3%
city: 17.5%
Percentage of people that speak English not well or not at all:
This neighborhood: 2.2%
Long Beach: 13.3%
Percentage of people born in this state:
Here: 49.8%
Long Beach: 49.2%
Percentage of people born in another U.S. state:
Belmont Heights: 35.0%
Long Beach: 21.0%
Percentage of native residents but born outside the U.S.:
Here: 1.4%
city: 1.1%
Percentage of foreign born residents:
Here: 13.9%
Long Beach: 28.6%
Educational Attainment
Less than high schoolHigh school or equiv.Less than 1 year of college1 or more years of collegeAssociate degreeBachelor's degreeMaster's degreeProfess. school degreeDoctorate degree
Belmont Heights Long Beach average
Rooms in owner-occupied houses/condos in Belmont Heights:
1 room2 rooms3 rooms4 rooms5 rooms6 rooms7 rooms8 rooms9+ rooms 1 room: 19
2 rooms: 63
3 rooms: 167
4 rooms: 456
5 rooms: 477
6 rooms: 411
7 rooms: 313
8 rooms: 217
9+ rooms: 208
Belmont Heights Long Beach average
Rooms in renter-occupied apartments in Belmont Heights:
1 room2 rooms3 rooms4 rooms5 rooms6 rooms7 rooms8 rooms9+ rooms 1 room: 410
2 rooms: 790
3 rooms: 1,217
4 rooms: 1,199
5 rooms: 508
6 rooms: 229
7 rooms: 68
8 rooms: 7
9+ rooms: 15
Belmont Heights Long Beach average
Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Belmont Heights:
no bedroomone bedroomtwo bedroomsthree bedroomsfour bedroomsfive+ bedrooms no bedroom: 33
1 bedroom: 195
2 bedrooms: 954
3 bedrooms: 789
4 bedrooms: 271
5+ bedrooms: 90
Belmont Heights Long Beach average
Bedrooms in owner-occupied houses and condos in Belmont Heights:
no bedroomone bedroomtwo bedroomsthree bedroomsfour bedroomsfive+ bedrooms no bedroom: 559
1 bedroom: 2,040
2 bedrooms: 1,479
3 bedrooms: 308
4 bedrooms: 54
5+ bedrooms: 3
Belmont Heights Long Beach average
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in houses/condos:
This neighborhood: 1.8
Long Beach: 1.9
Average number of cars or other vehicles available in apartments:
Here: 1.4
city: 1.1
Percentage of units with a mortgage:
Belmont Heights: 78.0%
Long Beach: 77.7%
Housing prices:
Average estimated value of detached houses in 2008 (34.1% of all units):
Belmont Heights: $977,795
Long Beach: $606,730
Average estimated value of townhouses or other attached units in 2008 (7.1% of all units):
This neighborhood: $449,442
city: $223,437
Average estimated value of housing units in 2-unit structures in 2008 (10.9% of all units):
This neighborhood: $463,075
Long Beach: $302,500
Average estimated '08 value of housing units in 3-to-4-unit structures (8.9% of all units):
Belmont Heights: $822,320
city: $537,535
Average estimated '08 value of housing units in 5-or-more-unit structures (38.8% of all units):
Belmont Heights: $707,978
Long Beach: $548,317
Owners and renters by unit type in %, detached1, attached210 to 1920 to 49
Owner occupied units Renter occupied units average
Year house built (%)
09182736451995 to 19981990 to 19941980 to 19891970 to 19791960 to 19691950 to 19591940 to 19491939 or earlier
Belmont Heights in Long Beach city
City-data.com crime index for city in 2008 (higher means more crime):
City: 353.5
U.S. average: 293.0
Occupations of males:
Percentage of males in management occupations (except farmers):
Here: 16.5%
city: 9.7%
Percentage of males in business and financial operations occupations:
Here: 6.0%
city: 3.7%
Percentage of males in computer and mathematical occupations:
Here: 4.4%
city: 2.5%
Percentage of males in architecture and engineering occupations:
Here: 3.0%
city: 3.4%
Percentage of males in life, physical, and social science occupations:
Here: 1.3%
city: 0.7%
Percentage of males in community and social services occupations:
Here: 1.8%
city: 1.0%
Percentage of males in legal occupations:
Here: 2.8%
city: 1.0%
Percentage of males in education, training, and library occupations:
Here: 8.4%
city: 3.8%
Percentage of males in arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations:
Here: 6.3%
city: 3.0%
Percentage of males in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:
Here: 3.1%
city: 2.4%
Percentage of males in service occupations:
Here: 9.8%
city: 14.3%
Percentage of males in sales and office occupations:
Here: 21.9%
city: 19.8%
Percentage of males in construction, extraction, and maintenance occupations:
Here: 7.0%
city: 13.8%
Percentage of males in production occupations:
Here: 2.8%
city: 10.0%
Percentage of males in transportation and material moving occupations:
Here: 4.4%
city: 10.5%
Occupations of females:
Percentage of females in management occupations (except farmers):
Here: 12.1%
city: 8.1%
Percentage of females in business and financial operations occupations:
Here: 7.7%
city: 5.4%
Percentage of females in computer and mathematical occupations:
Here: 2.4%
city: 1.4%
Percentage of females in architecture and engineering occupations:
Here: 1.1%
city: 0.6%
Percentage of females in life, physical, and social science occupations:
Here: 2.1%
city: 0.7%
Percentage of females in community and social services occupations:
Here: 2.8%
city: 2.2%
Percentage of females in legal occupations:
Here: 2.1%
city: 1.3%
Percentage of females in education, training, and library occupations:
Here: 14.0%
city: 9.7%
Percentage of females in arts, design, entertainment, sports, and media occupations:
Here: 5.9%
city: 2.3%
Percentage of females in healthcare practitioners and technical occupations:
Here: 5.0%
city: 6.0%
Percentage of females in service occupations:
Here: 10.7%
city: 17.6%
Percentage of females in sales and office occupations:
Here: 30.1%
city: 35.7%
Percentage of females in production occupations:
Here: 2.4%
city: 5.6%
Percentage of females in transportation and material moving occupations:
Here: 1.4%
city: 2.6%
Percentage of people 18-64 in Armed Forces:
Belmont Heights: 0.2%
Long Beach: 0.1%
Education in this neighborhood (subdivision or community):
Percentage of people 3 years and older in K-12 schools:
Belmont Heights: 9.0%
Long Beach: 22.7%
Percentage of people 3 years and older in undgraduate colleges:
Belmont Heights: 9.7%
Long Beach: 7.7%
Percentage of people 3 years and older in grad. or professional schools:
Belmont Heights: 5.2%
Long Beach: 1.6%
Percentage of students K-12 enrolled in private schools:
Belmont Heights: 14.5%
Long Beach: 6.6%
Percentage of population below poverty level:
Belmont Heights: 7.8%
Long Beach: 22.8%
Median year owner moved in (as recorded in 2000):
Belmont Heights: 1990
Long Beach: 1991
Median year renter moved in (as recorded in 2000):
Belmont Heights: 1997
Long Beach: 1998
Percentage of married-couple families with both working:
Belmont Heights: 71.1%
Long Beach: 53.1%
Most commonly used house heating fuel:
Utility gas (72%)Electricity (25%)Other (3%) Utility gas (72%)
Electricity (25%)
No fuel used (1%)
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Belmont Shore Homes For Sale, Neighborhood Profile